

Software development

Software development

Service Control Center

Service Control Center

Project Management

Project Management

IT Infrastructure Management

IT Infrastructure Management

Software development

We will design the strategy that is ideal for you and implement the tech tools that are ideal for your business through development that is secure,...

  • Clients

    GNP Seguros, DHL MX, ZEISS

  • Technologies

    Angular, React, Xamarin, JS, .NET

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Cloud Services

Remote servers to store and process data, execute applications and various services to avoid having physical infrastructure. Stay focused on your main business while you reap the...

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Cybersecurity considers a wide spectrum of functions from application vulnerability evaluations and audit management, up to security incident management. For this reason, we meet the necessary...

  • Clients

    DHL US, MetLife

  • Certification

    ISO 270001

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Service Control Center

A point of contact between you and your customers that is completely adaptable to your services. See the different types of schemes we have available, all...

  • Clients

    DHL US, DHL Latam, DHL CA

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Project Management

Business needs require the right balance to manage important factors such as time, cost, and quality. Therefore, professionals must be involved which are capable of managing...

  • Clients

    MetLife, GNP Seguros

  • Certifications

    PMP, Scrum, CMMI Institute

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IT Infrastructure Management

Our IT infrastructure management services are based on industry best practices under ITIL principles. This lets us operate, provide support and maintenance, and bring immediate attention...

  • Clients

    DHL, MetLife, Prudential

  • Technologies

    Microsoft, Oracle, Apache, IBM

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